I’m Mark, and this is my website. Well, one of my websites. I seem to have more of these things than I really need. Or that most people care to visit. Yet here we are.

At one time, this site was a Tumblr. Back when those things were hip and relatively relevant. I have since migrated this site to be a standalone collection of random visually creative work that I make from time to time. Far too much time between times, if I’m being totally honest. My intentions are good. I like to draw and sketch and build and paint and make stuff. I just don’t devote enough time to it on a regular basis, thanks to a lack of discipline masquerading as a lack of time. But still, I sometimes find the odd mix of inspiration and availability where I can pack in a little creative time, and when I do, I try to post the results here. Time seems to be a running theme here, so I’ll stop taking up much more of yours and encourage you to poke around and see the things that I’ve made. Enjoy your time here. Sorry.

Anyway, enjoy and drop me a line at mark@rightbrainbits.me if you are so inclined. It’s always nice to know you’re not just yelling into the void.